Tips to Help Your #Hustle: Stephen Colbert’s Great Advice

As part of my continuing series, “Tips to Help Your #Hustle,” here is another quick tip to help dominate in your working life. The sooner you conquer your career the sooner you can be free to start living the life you’ve worked so hard for. For me, that life happens up high in the mountains of Park City, Utah.

Another great site I like to follow is Loads of great articles on all manner of business items, and all written with a decent sense of humor. Stephen Colbert started his reign as the new Late Show host last week, and Inc ran a timely article quoting some of the splendid advice Colbert has dished out in his life.


Remember, no matter happened last week, you are only as good as your last deal. Dig deep. Find solutions. Offer before you are asked. Get the job done better than anybody else can. Happy Monday. Game on.

Tips to Help Your #Hustle: Sell the Why

As part of my continuing series, “Tips to Help Your #Hustle,” here is another quick tip to help dominate in your working life. The sooner you conquer your career the sooner you can be free to start living the life you’ve worked so hard for. For me, that life happens up high in the mountains of Park City, Utah.

In another great share by my broker, Thomas Wright at Summit Sotheby’s International Realty, this excellent TED Talk discusses getting to the heart of what you’re selling. Applicable to every single entrepreneur ever, and some great points that go beyond the usual “sell features and benefits” discussion.


I read an article once that suggested that entrepreneurs read one article and watch one TED Talk per day for self-improvement. I can’t say I’ve been faithful to that kind of commitment but hey, sometimes we start small. And this? This is a good place to start.

Remember, just because it’s Labor Day doesn’t mean we can’t take some time to clarify our vision, streamline our processes, and revisit our purpose. It’s still Monday, y’all. Game on.